Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Head Shots- Task 1

For  my Project i had to create 3 head shots. one high key, one mid key and one low key, yet the pictures had to portray the emotion of the lighting.

High Key

Mid Key

Low Key

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Pregnancy Shoot- Task 3

For one of our tasks i have chosen the theme 'Love' and i thought the strongest form of love is a mother and her child. so i thought that was the best one to go with. i will have to create 4 images that work well together showing the bond between mother and child.

Here are some Images i am going to try and recreate and i will be adding my end results to the bottom the these images.

These Are the images i did for Love,

The 4 images i will be using for my project is the following...

Client Requirement and Creative intent

Client Requirement

This is Client Requirement, it is promoting the shampoo in a fun way.

Creative Intent

This is Creative intent which is where the photographer did not have a reason to create the image but it shows a side of the photographers personality that they ant you to see.

Product Photography


In a group of me, Laura and Mollie. This Presentation consisted of;

Client Retirement
Creative intent
Studio Lights
Hight Key
Low Key

This is the link below:

Heath and Safty

*No food or drink should be taken into the studio.
* Make sure wires aren't in the way because someone may trip.
*When setting lights on stands or a camera on a tripod make sure that they're over a leg and not in between this is so that they wont collapse or fall.
*  Covers from light fixtures need to be taken off before switching on as they could melt.
*Lights can get hot very fast so be careful when taking them down as skin can get burnt, allow to cool.
*The room could be dark therefore this can cause a hazard as people could bump into each other or fall over.
*Never leave the studio unattended!