Friday, 7 December 2012

Richard Billingham

'it's not my intention to shock, to offend, sensationalise,
be political or whatever, only to make work that is as spiritually
meaningful as I can make it -
in all these photographs I never bothered with things like
the negatives. some of them got marked and scratched.
I just used the cheapest film and took them to be processed
at the cheapest place. I was just trying to make order out of chaos.' - Richard Billingham


 Richard's dad Ray was an alcoholic, in this image he shows that he's at the point where he can't even stand properly and we get the feeling like he's like this a lot of the time.

This image shows a long of emotion. on one side is shows Richards dad looking like he feels guilty but wants to ignore Richards mum and on the other side you have Richards mum shouting at him with anger as she clenches her first. They had many argument over his dads drinking problems.

I admire how Richard Billingham didn't try and sugar coat his life, instead he would show it how it is/

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